Tuesday, March 1, 2011

China Pearl 18 minute shit

For those of you who live under a rock, China Pearl is a fine Chinese restaurant serving the upstanding citizens of New town only the finest in the cuisine of the Far East. They do this at the remarkably low price of only ten dollars for a huge meal, and excellent service. Entertainment for those patrons who wish to dine in the restaurant will be pleasantly surprised that there is a television where they can catch up on the latest happenings in pro wrestling. It hasn't been proven yet, but I believe John's Hopkins University is doing a study proving that watching overly huge men in spandex throwing other men similarly dressed is a good combatant of indigestion. For those of you who might be interested more in your general surroundings while you eat, you will find that the employees of China Pearl take the utmost care in personal hygiene, as well as the cleanliness of their establishment.

Today the China Pearl delivery guy infiltrated Drayton without delivering any food and took a eighteen minute shit in our bathroom. It was the most concentrated form of MSG legally allowed in the continental United States.