Monday, May 31, 2010

Aokigahara and dead old people

So my friend Dave just told me about this place called Aokigahara. It is apparently the third most popular suicide site in the world, with like 500 dead bodies found since 1950 or something. This is nuts, because when I "researched" it (went to wikipedia) it said this ritual called ubasute was common there. Ubasute, according to wikipedia, is the practice of taking old and useless people to desolate places to let them die. What the fuck?! Why didn't I think of this? It makes so much sense. If I was Hitler and had to do a genocide of any group of people, it would be old people. Or fat people. Essentially, just people who appear to me to be useless. Like clowns. That's all I have to say about that.

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